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Physical therapy
Physical therapy
time: 10min
Price: 23 zł

Low frequency alternating magnetic field therapy, has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling effects, it dilates blood vessels.

time: 10min
Price: 20 zł

Frequency-controlled interference currents used mainly as analgesic, active tissue hyperaemia and stimulation of weakened skeletal muscles.

time: 10min
Price: 20 zł

The operation of diadynamic currents depends on the combination of currents to be used. Mainly spoken is the analgesic effect of these currents. The result is achieved quickly and is characterized by a long-lasting effect

Prądy Tens
time: 10min
Price: 20 zł

Są najbardziej rozpowszechnioną formą elektroterapii, stosowaną w rehabilitacji pacjentów .Głównym zastosowaniem prądów TENS w rehabilitacji jest bezinwazyjne, bezpieczne i niefarmakologiczne leczenie bólu.

time: 5-10min
Price: 23 zł

These are high-frequency acoustic waves that exceed the limit of hearing of the human ear. The characteristic property of ultrasound energy is its thermal effect, which can heat inaccessible, deeply located tissues. The treatment has analgesic effects, dilates blood vessels, inhibits inflammatory processes and reduces muscle tension.

Laser therapy
time: 3-10min
Price: 25 zł

It is a low-power laser. The generated light beam penetrates deep into the tissues, mobilizing the body's natural defense and repair mechanisms.Has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates tissue regeneration

Sollux lamp
time: 10min
Price: 20 zł

The lamp is designed for heat and light therapy treatments. The lamp with a blue filter has an analgesic effect, the red light relieves inflammation and accelerates wound healing.

Bioptron lamp
time: 10min
Price: 20 zł

This is a modern method of treating skin diseases that involves the use of polarized light produced by a special lamp. With the Bioptron lamp, joint pain, skin wounds, skin lesions, sports injuries are treated

time: 3min
Price: 24 zł

The purpose of cryotherapy is to lower the temperature of the skin and deeper tissues, thereby causing deep congestion of the treated area. Cryotherapy relieves pain, reduces muscle tension, swelling and the inflammatory process. The treatment is used, among others, in rheumatic diseases, musculoskeletal injuries, discopathies, degenerative changes

time: 10min
Price: 25 zł

This is a treatment that involves applying mud at 38-42°C to the body. Mud packs overheat the tissue, thus relaxing the muscles, significantly alleviating and even relieving pain. The enrichment of mud packs with galvanic current intensifies the anti-inflammatory effects of the components contained in the mud. The compresses are particularly indicated in the treatment of inflammation of soft tissues

time: 10min
Price: 22 zł

Iontophoresis treatment is the introduction of chemical compounds (drugs) with therapeutic effects into the tissues by means of direct current.Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Hydrotherapy / warm treatment
Hydrotherapy / warm treatment
time: 15min
Price: 30 zł

Bathing in a tub that improves blood circulation in the body, resulting in better oxygenation and nourishment of the affected areas. Hydromassage mainly has a calming and relaxing effect, reduces blood pressure and congests the skin by dilating blood vessels.

Hydromassage with oil
time: 15min
Price: 35 zł
Pearl bath
time: 15min
Price: 28 zł

Through the jets in the bottom of the tub, air bubbles escape, which gently irritate the skin, thus having a beneficial effect on the nervous system and muscle tension. By massaging the skin, the air bubbles improve blood circulation.The bath has a relaxing, restorative effect and relaxes muscle tension

Brine bath
time: 15min
Price: 35 zł

A therapeutic salt bath is an exceptionally pleasant therapy.Water enriched with minerals has beneficial properties for the skin, bones and muscles.Salt water calms , improves mood and calms down

Spruce bath
time: 15min
Price: 40 zł

Reduces states of tension, fatigue and stress. It relaxes and nurtures the body, soothes the senses and calms and, combined with warm water, has an inhalant and warming effect

Mud bath
time: 15min
Price: 40 zł

It improves well-being and provides natural wellness. It relaxes and relieves stress and tension. It supports the elimination of toxins, cleanses and strengthens the body. Reduces discomfort caused by physical exertion, overwork and overload.

Upper/lower limb whirlpool massage
time: 10min
Price: 20 zł

Whirlpool massage is one of the varieties of hydromassage.Massaging with water whirlpool is great for relaxation, has analgesic and relaxing effects, improves blood circulation to the massaged part of the body, reduces swelling.

Masaż wirowy kończyn dolnych
time: 10min
Price: 23 zł

Masaż wirowy stanowi jedną z odmian hydromasażu.Masowanie wirami wodymi świetnie odpreża, działa przeciwbólowo i rozkurczowo, poprawia ukrwienie masowanej części ciała, zmniejsza obrzęki.

Sucha kąpiel ozonowa
time: 10min
Price: 20 zł

Jest to zabieg polegający na zanurzeniu ciała w mieszaninie ozonowo – tlenowej. Ozon i tlen przenikają bezpośrednio przez skórę poprawiając ukrwienie tkanek i mięśni a także odżywienie wszystkich tkanek, a zwłaszcza kończyn dolnych, serca i mózgu.

CO2 dry bath
time: 10min
Price: 27 zł

The patient's body (excluding the head) is enclosed in a special chamber into which carbon dioxide is delivered. Carbon dioxide absorbed through the skin has a strong vasodilatory effect. Taking dry baths in CO₂ does not require the removal of outer clothing. Effects: sedative and relaxant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, removes smooth muscle spasms, , inhibits blood clotting, lowers blood sugar.krwi.

Mud packs
time: 15min
Price: 25 zł

Mud patches are a natural treatment method used for many ailments. A warm mud poultice dilates blood vessels, thus improving blood circulation in our body. In addition, by warming up and relaxing the muscles and joints, the feeling of pain is reduced.

Dodatkowy plaster borowiny
Price: 10 zł

Plastry borowinowe to naturalna metoda lecznicza stosowana w wielu dolegliwościach. Ciepły okład borowinowy rozszerza naczynia krwionośne, dzięki czemu poprawia się krwioobieg w naszym organizmie. Ponadto, poprzez rozgrzanie i rozluźnienie mięśni i stawów, zmniejsza się uczucie bólu.

Classical massage of the spine
time: 15min
Price: 60 zł

This is the most popular massage technique. Most often it involves stroking, rubbing, patting and kneading. Classical massage relaxes, relaxes and loosens muscles

Classical segmental massage
time: 10min
Price: 40 zł

This is the most popular massage technique. Most often it involves stroking, rubbing, patting and kneading. Classical massage relaxes, relaxes and loosens muscles

Hydro Jet | 10 min.
time: 10min
Price: 30 zł

Nowoczesne urządzenie do masażu wodnego poprzez powłokę kauczukową, która oddziela ciało od wody. Masaż ten działa odprężająco na cały organizm i łagodzi objawy bólowe kręgosłupa i stawów. Łączy w sobie element siły, ciepła i wody wspomagające relaks, wypoczynek i odnowę biologiczną.

Hydro Jet
time: 15min
Price: 37 zł

A modern device for water massage through a rubber coating that separates the body from the water. This massage has a relaxing effect on the entire body and relieves pain symptoms in the spine and joints. It combines the element of strength, heat and water to support relaxation, rest and wellness.

BOA compression massage
time: 20min
Price: 27 zł

Lymphatic drainage or compression massage using an apparatus that works on the principle of pneumatic compression. The air-filled chambers of the sleeves stimulate the natural circulation of lime and blood. With the treatment, we remove lingering toxins. The massage stimulates venous and lymphatic drainage and affects the elasticity and nourishment of tissues. It helps in the absorption of swelling.

Masaż uciskowy typu BOA
time: 30min
Price: 32 zł

Drenaż limfatyczny lub masaż uciskowy z użyciem aparatu działającego na zasadzie pneumatycznego ucisku. Napełniające się powietrzem komory rękawów pobudzają naturalne krążenie limy i krwi. Dzięki zabiegowi usuwamy zalegające toksyny. Masaż stymuluje drenaż żylny i limfatyczny oraz wpływa na uelastycznienie i odżywienie tkanek. Pomaga we wchłanianiu obrzęków.

Individual inhalations (brine)
time: 10min
Price: 17 zł

It is a method of preventing and assisting in the treatment of many respiratory conditions, which involves inhaling diluted brine sprayed as an aerosol. Inhaling saline aerosol moistens the airways, dilutes mucus and allows easier expectoration.

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