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Hortulus Gardens in Dobrzyca

Hortulus Gardens in Dobrzyca

15 maj 24
16 maj 24
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  2. Interferie Cechsztyn
  3. Attractions
  4. Hortulus Gardens in Dobrzyca
Hortulus Gardens in Dobrzyca

The Hortulus theme gardens in Dobrzyca are a must for visitors who love plants and residence in the bosom of nature.

From Ustronie Morskie there is only a 15 km distance to the attractions, which means that you can get here very quickly by car. Visitors can enjoy 30 theme garden there, open from spring to winter, including Japanese, English, Mediterranean and French gardens. There are more than 6,000 plant species and varieties, including unique and exotic species. In Dobrzyca you will also find the Hortulus Spectabilis garden, where the lar gest hornbeam labyrinth in the world with an area of 1 hectare is the most spectacular. In the middle of the labyrinth is a 20-metrelookout tower, from which visitors can admire the surrounding fields and forests as well as the panorama of the Baltic Sea.

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